
This Privacy Policy aims to explain the practices of Secrets of Power regarding the privacy of users of our website and how the Company uses the information provided by users or collected during their use of the website.

General Provisions

This Privacy Policy is an integral part of the Company’s Terms of Service. Information about you is collected when you use the website or its services. Some of this information identifies you personally, such as your name, address, products and services you have purchased, and payment methods used by you. This is the information you knowingly provide, for example, when registering for services on the website. Other information does not personally identify you, such as statistical and aggregate information about the advertisements you viewed on the website, the pages you visited, and the offers and services that interested you.

Registration for Services

When personal information is required during the registration for services of the Company or when purchasing products, the Company will only request the information that is directly necessary for the provision of the services or for the purchase of the products.

The Use of Information

The use of the information collected will be in accordance with this Privacy Policy or as permitted by law, in order to:

- Allow the use of the various services offered by the Company;

- Improve the services and content offered;

- Perform monitoring and statistical analysis;

- Modify or cancel existing services and content;

- Facilitate the purchase of products and services on the website;

- Tailor advertisements displayed based on your location and websites you visited.

Providing Information to a Third Party

The Company will not share your personal details and information about your activity on the website with third parties except in the following cases:

- If you purchase products and services from third parties that offer them for sale through the Company, these third parties will be provided with the information they need to complete the purchase process;

- In the event of a legal dispute between you and the Company requiring the disclosure of your details;

- If your actions on the website are against the law;

- If a court ruling orders the Company to provide your details or information about you to a third party;

- If the Company sells or transfers the website’s operation to another entity in any way, or in the event of a merger with another entity, provided that the entity accepts the provisions of this Privacy Policy towards you.


The Company’s website uses “cookies” for the purpose of stable and proper operation, including the collection of statistics about website usage, verification of details, customization of the website to your personal preferences, and for information security purposes.

Modern browsers include the option to avoid accepting cookies. If you do not know how to do this, check the help section of your browser.

Data Security

The Company implements up-to-date information security systems and procedures on its website. While these systems and procedures reduce the risks of unauthorized intrusion, they do not provide complete security. Therefore, the Company does not guarantee that its services will be completely immune from unauthorized access to the information stored therein.


According to applicable privacy protection laws, any person is entitled to review the information kept about them in a database. A person who has reviewed the information and found it to be incorrect, incomplete, unclear, or outdated may contact the Company to correct or delete the information. Requests on this subject should be directed to [email protected].

Additionally, according to the aforementioned laws, you are entitled to demand in writing that the information about you be deleted from the Company’s database if the Company uses it to contact you.


In the event of significant changes to this Privacy Policy regarding the use of personal information that you have provided, a notice will be published on the homepage of the website.

The Company's websites may contain links to external websites, which offer a variety of services owned and operated by third parties. These services are not covered by this privacy policy, and those interested should review the privacy terms of these third parties. The Company will not be responsible for the interaction between its users and the third parties mentioned above.